A survivor’s anthem

You are strong.

You are capable.

A million constellations exist within you.

You are the fire, you are the warmth, you are the ashes that smolder and give birth to new beginnings.

You are the phoenix, you are the sum of all your parts…the good, the bad, the ugly.

You are incarnate.

You are strength in your solitude.

Unbent, unbroken, uncowered…bruised and battered but never giving up.

Your knees will buckle, but you will try again.

You will walk, and run for rest… run Forrest, run.

Better late than never,

Even broken crayons colour.

You are the open air installation, no museum can hold you.

Chest heaving, solitary sign post on the highway.

They can’t dim your shine, nor steal your thunder.

Who gives a fuck, when we aren’t down out on our luck?

Your eyes, they twinkle; they tell stories…

Of mirth,

And pain,

And gloom

But like the woven loom, your story is beautiful.

Wash your face.

Look at you;

No, deeper.

In your cracked mirror, exists smithereens of yourself, golden woman woven with silvern speech…

Clay feet. That swell, and break…and ache…

But will be molded again.

Now, look again.

Don’t be afraid;

Your eyes are deeper than the ocean

Maybe we’ll find… something


By Anonymous

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