Brown paper bag

Brown paper bag, brown paper bag

Hold my fears, hold my sorrows

Breathe in my despair

Breathe in my darkness

Hold it long enough so I give my lungs a break.

Brown paper bag, brown paper bag

Pardon my warm breath and random spittle

There’s no one else who’d mind this little

You’ve kept your form

Rose and sunk with me

With each breath you stayed

Keeping up with every heave and sigh

Never relenting, never sweating.

Brown paper bag, brown paper bag

I’m scared I might break you too someday

I see the bravery in your eyes

And the longing to be the one that saves me

I know you’d rather be used to carry an apple and a sandwich as a paper bag should.

I see the fear too

The fear of failing like your sisters.

Of being tossed into the waste basket

Of being forgotten while I reach for another you.

But you stay mute because…

Brown paper bag, brown paper bag

You see my fear too

The fear of failing once again

Of tossing another over used paper bag away

Of reaching for yet another you.

Brown paper bag, brown paper bag

I wish I had your strength too.

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