If only we could live in our daydreams

I look for you in places that only exist in my mind.

In another dimension many realms away.

The you I could no longer hold now exists,

In a quiet place many realms away.

You keep my hand on your face when I caress it.

Here, the hugs linger and your smell envelopes me.

No goodbye hugs. No goodbye kisses.

No waves from the doorway. No waves at a half closed door.

Love eternally.

Earth is loud. The screams and sirens always bring me back.

You never get used to the seemingly unending fall back down.

You know, the kind that jolts you from your slumber.

Back to reality.

One of a handful of air.

Of no big spoon, little spoon

Of no “See you!”s, only “Goodbye.”s

Of no you, and a phone number I can no longer dial.

But in another dimension, realms away, you exist.

An eternal you.

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