The beholder.

I want to write a poem, about the way you look at me, about the glint in your eyes when you see me. The brilliance, the coruscation, and the dazzle, in those eyes could light a whole runway. The flash, the flicker, and the gleam, the radiance, the spark and the twinkle, all because I […]

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DĂ©jĂ  Ressenti

You feel so familiar, And yet you don’t look it. While my eyes are still scanning your face, My heart is already leaping for joy. Yours fingers… Why do they fit into mine so effortlessly? Moving in unison. Your lips… Why do they know what I like? I’ve felt this before, So says my heart. […]

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The Clearly Impossible Puzzle

I’ve been staring at the urn, again. Fidgeting, fingers twiddling. Pacing up and down, nails biting. In a daze, room spinning. If you were here, you’d ask if I’d had eaten yet. But how could I? I’ve been too busy. Pacing up, and down. Should I? I shouldn’t. Maybe I should. I’d pour you out […]

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I think of you everywhere I go, just so there’s more of you in the world. Spreading you like ox-eye daisy petals Like a flower girl skipping excitedly down the aisle. “He loves me, he loves me not He loves me, he loves me not.” He loves me. There, now there’s more of you in […]

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Ici et lĂ 

Where do you go when you’re not here? Your eyes are locked in on mine Unwavering. It’s intense, your stare It emanates a deep care I love that I know the slight smile on your face Is because you’re thinking about me Even up there, where I can’t reach You’re still thinking about me And […]

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It feels like…

It feels like the warmth from the rays of the early morning sun on your skin Or like the first bite of a meal you’ve been craving for a while. That jubilant bounce-step dance you do when the food hits You’re craving something now, aren’t you? It feels like a thousand Monarch butterflies flying through […]

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Water stains

You left some of you on my wall when you went away In the middle of the night With not even a goodbye kiss. You stained my white wall yellow Now everyone’s going to know That I’m forever marked Because you left And didn’t even bother to take all of you What am I to […]

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The black veil

Today, as I’d done for the last three days, I took my place in front of the crowd Where they paced around me in a circle like hawks Placing bets on who could predict me fall apart first For a test I hadn’t even signed up for. How fast would I crumble this time? Surely, […]

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The House on the Hill

The green house on the hill has two rooms The lavender room has white see through linen curtains Slowly swaying from the cool breeze the East side of the house brings The monstera in the corner is alive and thriving On rainy nights with Lovely Hallucination by Johnny Rain on repeat The noise of the […]

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